This is where you can find the most common questions from teachers and learners.

Scoutlier is a proud member of the Student Data Privacy Consortium. Our pledge is to carry out responsible stewardship and to safeguard student privacy. Students and their schools own the work added to Scoutlier. We do not use your content, sell your data, or advertise on the Scoutlier platform. Learners’ data is visible only to the Teacher’s Classroom to which the assignment is assigned, or to the learners to whom a collaborative assignment has been shared.

Scoutlier 2.0 and our mobile apps are free to use for teachers and learners.

Follow 3 easy steps from our Get Started page to create an account, build or borrow an activity, and assign work to students.

Teachers who log in with Google Classroom can sync their classrooms and push assignments to all students within a single Google Classroom roster of their choice. Each assignment can be viewed, commented, and graded to the Google Classroom gradebook upon student submission.

Teachers can share assignments with students though Google Classroom or Scoutlier Classroom or with an assignment code. To see the student access information check out this support document.

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