Scoutlier Supports Transitioning into Online Learning with Interactive Digital App

As schools all across the country close or prepare to close in an effort to slow down the spreading of COVID-19, Scoutlier is here to support educators, students, and parents in their transition to online learning during this time of crisis.

With Scoutlier you can quickly author and assign easy-to-follow activities that your students can complete independently on any device by taking or adding pictures, video, audio, as well as entering text and numerical data. You can choose to have your students share their work and collaborate with the whole class, or you can use the activity to assess individual learning. In either case, you can track all of your students’ work and coach them in real-time.

Scoutlier is free to use for teachers and learners. And it will remain free once this crisis has passed.​

We’ll be here to support you as you transition from face-to-face classes to online remote learning. Here are some helpful tools to ease your transition.

What is Scoutlier? – An introduction video to Scoutlier.

Get Started with Scoutlier – Watch this quick tutorial video to create your free account and begin to build or borrow interactive, online learning resources.

Moving your lessons online – Here are some tips and tricks for successful online teaching.

Student Guide – Learn how your students can access the Scoutlier platform with a code that you send them or using their Google Classroom accounts.

Example Lessons

Take a students-view of examples of online learning activities created by your peers for STEM, Special Education and Life Skills, and Language Learning. No sign-up required.

Online Classroom Management
Virtual Attendance
I Can Do…
What Are You Working On? – Share what you’ve been learning
Sing A Song – Have A Little Fun with this Karaoke Activity
Reading Log

Tree Seeker (Ecology)
Rube Goldberg Machine (Engineering)
Sometimes / Always / Never (Math)
Black Hole Image Makes History (Earth Science)
Genetic Traits (Biology)
Atomic Models (Chemistry)

Suffrage Photo Analysis (Social Studies)
What’s Happening In This (Social Studies)

Une journée à Paris (French)

These activities and many more can be found and borrowed for free in the Scoutlier Shared Library.

Internet Service Companies providing solutions in support of online learning:
Charter – Spectrum

Students can use Scoutlier on their mobile devices work offline if necessary.

Start teaching today!

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