7 Tips for Getting Started with Scoutlier
Scoutlier is fully integrated for Google Classroom, but hang in there if you’re not a Classroom teacher. At the end of September, we will open platform access to all Google sign in with assignment codes for easier sharing with any classroom.
- Create your Google Classroom account and create a class. You can skip this step if you already use Google Classroom!
- Go to Scoutlier and click the button to sign in
- Create a new assignment, or make a copy of a library assignment! Find the Design Bank of templates or the crowd-sourced Sharing Library for some easy ways to get your class started!
- Launch your assignment! Edit an assignment to challenge your students and click “Assign Now” button
- Have your students join the assignment. Students sign in to scoutlier.com or access your assignment through Google Classroom
- Teach using Scoutlier! Get a live view of student progress and understanding on the Dashboard and the assignment itself.
- View your classroom dataset and individual work. Reflect on ideas and observation, or make grades and comments for your Google Gradebook