7 Tips for Getting Started with Scoutlier

Scoutlier is fully integrated for Google Classroom, but hang in there if you’re not a Classroom teacher. At the end of September, we will open platform access to all Google sign in with assignment codes for easier sharing with any classroom.

  1. Create your Google Classroom account and create a class. You can skip this step if you already use Google Classroom! 
  2. Go to Scoutlier and click the button to sign in 
  3. Create a new assignment, or make a copy of a library assignment! Find the Design Bank of templates or the crowd-sourced Sharing Library for some easy ways to get your class started!
  4. Launch your assignment! Edit an assignment to challenge your students and click “Assign Now” button
  5. Have your students join the assignment. Students sign in to scoutlier.com or access your assignment through Google Classroom 
  6. Teach using Scoutlier! Get a live view of student progress and understanding on the Dashboard and the assignment itself.
  7. View your classroom dataset and individual work. Reflect on ideas and observation, or make grades and comments for your Google Gradebook


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